How To Look Your Best For The Holidays With A Michigan Facial Center

By Dona Banegas

The end of each year is punctuated by a flurry of gatherings ranging from traditional religious celebrations to cocktail parties. Social occasions are the hallmark of the season, and the salon facial cleansing MI residents enjoy helps them prepare for special events while luxuriating in the health benefits of exfoliating and moisturizing.

Everyone recognizes the cartoon image of a spa-goer relaxing with eyes covered by cucumber slices, but there is more to this type of experience than vegetables. A small amount of personal spa-time is a wonderful way to change the mood from frantic to calm, and can actually reduce the tensions and stress that accompany the season.

Before beginning this personally tailored experience, the skin is analyzed to determine which areas need the most help. People normally have a few problem areas that require extra attention, ranging from spots of dry skin to clogged pores. Spa technicians generally use specially designed tools for exfoliation and blemish removal.

The process begins gently. Steam and specially designed lotions and emollients soften the skin and detach dead cells that are the chief culprits responsible for clogged pores and blackheads, as well as the surface bacteria flourishing in them. Removal of the most prominent blemishes is followed by application of a nurturing mask.

It contains special agents designed to reduce the naturally resulting redness, and in some cases features topical medications to help fight infection. While this regimen cannot completely stop acne, it can reduce the severity and intensity of an outbreak by removing the oils and microorganisms that encourage pimples.

Even though the march of time is unstoppable, a regular facial reduces the impact of wrinkles caused by years of living. When combined with laser light pulses, collagen production is stimulated, producing a more supple, younger-looking skin surface. Having clear, youthful skin is a fashion statement that never becomes outdated.

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