Reliable Sun Tanner Products To Get You A Healthy Glow Without The Possible Health Risks

By Haywood Hunter

Physical appearance is important to most people. Many feel that having a tanned skin tone makes them more confident and that they look more attractive to others. A lot of people will go to great lengths to achieve this look, even risking their health and well being to create a certain persona. Celebrities can influence young girls particularly and make them want the same tanned even complexion these celebrities seem to exude. For anyone who wants to achieve a safe tanned appearance there are a number of sun tanner products to choose from.

Although most people now know and understand the risks of overexposure to direct sunlight, many continue to sunbath with little or no skin protection. It is especially tempting at the beach, on a lake, or at a water park. They may think that they will get the most natural look by sunbathing and the longest lasting effect.

Overexposure to the sun's rays very often has a negative effect however. Most people know that it increases the risk of skin cancer, even many years after they have stopped the practice. It can also cause the skin to sag, wrinkle and dry so that people end up looking older than they are instead of looking younger.

Over the years some people have turned to alternatives to sunbathing. Tanning beds and booths have been one option people have used. There was a thought that tanning gradually in these beds was less risky than sunbathing. Most now believe this to be a false and dangerous assumption.

There are tanning pills on the market. Opinions are mixed on how effective they are and how safe they are. These pills are marketed as dietary supplements and are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Tanning lotions that create an alternative to sunbathing have been available for many years. In years past they were not a perfect solution for anyone trying to achieve a natural tanned look. Many people complained that using these products created an unnatural skin color. It was difficult to get an even skin tone and the results could be streaky and unnatural. Some lotions actually had an odd odor that many people objected to.

There has been a big improvement in sunless tanning products over the last few years, and there are more options than ever before to get a tan without using the destructive force of the sun. The popularity of spray tanning has really exploded in recent years. Salons have sprung up that offer professional, natural looking, even toned tanning at whatever level of darkness the client desires. People who prefer to do the spray tanning themselves can find a number of products that are readily available in most stores.

Most people want to look as young and as vibrant as they can for as long as they can. A lot of them believe that tanning helps them accomplish those goals. Today's sun tanner products can be used easily and effectively and give skin a healthy glow without the risks of sunbathing.

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