Non-Surgical Face Lift In Barrie ON

By Lucia Weeks

It's well-known that you can save your youthful appearance longer if you take really good care of your nutrition and use good quality cosmetic products. Unfortunately, sooner or later your ages will become visible. There are some surgical methods for improving your appearance significantly, but if you prefer non-surgical methods, you will find numerous clinics offering face lift in Barrie ON.

In the city Barrie, Ontario, there are several high quality clinics where you can choose the perfect treatment for you. For example, cosmetic Botox injections. This method is probably the most popular one, for numerous reasons. It lasts only twenty minutes, or even less, and the results are visible instantly. It affects facial muscles, relaxing them and preventing the contractions that cause wrinkles. This results with smooth and youthful skin.

Different fillers are injected into problematic areas to fill visible lines and wrinkles and erase them. The most popular ones are based on hyaluronic acid, the substance that exists in your body and moisturizes tissues and joints. In this case it is used for smoothing up wrinkles and lines and improving face contours. It can also be injected into your lips to improve your appearance additionally. The results are instant and may last up to eighteen months.

Vampire facelift is lately really popular, especially thanks to the fact that it is perfectly natural, even organic. This treatment uses one unique filler, Selphyl. It is made exclusively for each patient, using his or hers own blood. Even people suffering from various allergies can safely use this method, because the risk of having any type of reaction is practically non existing.

Selphyl is produced from a small amount of the patient's blood, using special procedure. This unique filler is then injected into the patient's skin. The first effects are visible instantly and last for about four weeks. During this time, the skin starts producing new cells and collagen and elastin fibers, increasing its volume and elasticity and improving its texture. This means that the effects are getting even better with time.

The fact that the skin actually starts regenerating itself perfectly naturally means that your results won't be only superficial. The skin will actually become younger, not only looking this way. Injections may cause slight puffiness and bruises, but this is only temporary, and may last one to three days at most. The procedure is perfectly safe and there are no other side effects.

Although they cannot solve more serious problems, these non surgical methods are highly efficient for most aging signs. They erase lines and wrinkles, especially those around eyes and lips, on the forehead and around nose. They can also be quite efficient when it comes to neck rings, saggy skin and tear troughs. They can also fill in acne scars, for example. They provide visible rejuvenation instantly.

Most similar methods provide really nice results that last for nine to eighteen months, depending on your chosen procedure. The skin becomes smoother, younger and tighter, but you should still take care of it. Choose good quality cosmetic products, moisturize and protect your face from direct sun light. Wear sunglasses and eat organic food, that will keep you young and healthy.

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