Guide To Varicose Veins Austin

By Stacey Burt

Stripping involves removing the entire saphenous vein (large vein) fails, which extends from the ankle to groin or, more simply, it is to extract the superficial vein that have no more useful function. An incision at the ankle and the end portion of vein is performed; vein is sectioned at both ends (varicose veins Austin).

The indication for treatment of spider vein is simple only cosmetic. Several methods are available as sclerotherapy, thermocoagulation or application of laser. Sclerotherapy allows an improvement in 70% of cases. 5 and port of contention for a few weeks after the sessions. Radical measures are mostly remove reflux in pathological vein, either by surgery or by sclerosis, that it be chemical (injections) or physical (closure, Laser).

However, stripping by invagination is more common. This method consists of returning the saphenous vein on itself, such as a glove, on a wire. This is less traumatic for the patient and thus limits postoperative hematoma. After stripping, small residual varices collaterals can be removed for a better aesthetic result. Tiny incisions is made by the surgeon through which the residual vein are extracted with a hook. This technique is called phlebectomy.

After the vein has been removed, the blood will continue to flow in leg as it borrow other vein located deeper into leg. The two members can be made the same day and the procedure takes 15 to 40 minutes per member. Venous insufficiency is a progressive disease. Therefore, even if a varices vein that has been properly removed can not return, other vein can become varices. Therefore, regular monitoring of venous system is important in order to avoid the appearance of new varices vein.

Complications can be deep phlebitis (5.3%) 12, a pulmonary embolism (0.06%), a level of complication as wound infection (2.2%), nerve damage with residual anesthetic at ankle. The recurrence rate is 5-60% at 10 years according to studies. It is also noteworthy that this surgery removes the saphenous trunks that may be useful in future if the patient needs a coronary artery bypass or members, as the saphenous trunks, even among the carrier about varices vein.

To determine the insufficient saphenous vein, the surgeon will prescribe a Doppler examination, that is to say, an ultrasound examination for exploring intravascular blood flow. Vascular doctor will be able to map the vein which will locate the reflux and leakage points and determine the main superficial vein that are healthy. Before the intervention, it is important to shave the legs and wash with Betadine before arriving at the hospital. The surgeon will mark the previously felt pen varices vein to properly identify varices branches a few hours before the operation.

This is a radiograph of venous network is carried out by injecting into vein of foot of a contrast product which is monitored progress. It is no longer practiced at all in balance sheet of varices. Its indications are now limited to study of deep venous system in balance sheet for a reconstructive surgery.

Uncomplicated and not symptomatic varices vein has little risk of complicated. Various complications are the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis (or phlebitis), rupture with hemorrhage, ulcer formation. It includes preventive measures first and foremost a healthy lifestyle including physical activity particularly suited to endurance-type (walking, cycling, swimming, cross country), weight control and avoidance of exposure heat, the fight against constipation. Regular wearing elastic compression type "stockings" is very useful in exposed populations.

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