Full Body Workout To Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight you are better off with a full body workout than your normal body split routines That bodybuilders do . If you look at the educated masses ( who knows weight lifting is good for weight loss ) , They Often adopt a body building routine. Which is fine and dandy goal if They Have tried to look for better ways , they'd -have found out about full body workouts very effective .

In Their quest for getting slimmer , thesis focus on cardio Either people or weight training (with split routines ie chest & back on Monday, legs on Wednesdays , arms and abs on Friday ) . But here lies the problem , if you are just working one body part per workout , you are not putting your body in long residual metabolic partner after the workout .

Anyone Who Have Been Trying to build muscle or lose fat , knows That You do not burn fat falling on the workout , burn You When You Are resting , resting metabolic rate When your is higher . That's why I am Suggesting a full body workout routines All which elevates your Resting metabolic rate higher and it's ideal for fat loss.

From my experience , 3 -4 days full body workout with focus Will give you great results . Here shoulds your workout look like this ...

Monday / Wednesday / Friday

Chest : Incline bench press, dumbbell fly ( 3 sets X 8 reps )

Back: Pull ups (3 X 8 )

Shoulders : Seated dumbbell Arnold press or press (3 X 8 )

Biceps : barbell curls (3 X 8 )

Triceps : Dips and pulley pushdown (3 X 8 )

Legs : Squat , Dead lift and good mornings (3 X 8 )

As you can notice I am ask asking you to lift heavy with small reps and high sets. 

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