Tanning In The Sun The Safe Way

By Haywood Hunter

Some people are content to be pale all the time, but many want to have that look like they've been tanning in the sun. Many resort to tanning beds or lotions that produce a fake tan because they are afraid of getting sunburned. However, with the proper prior precautions, you can get a suntan that will make you look a few shades darker and healthy.

When outdoors, the sun will emit both UVA and UVB rays that are absorbed by the skin. While both are effective at darkening your skin, they can be dangerous without precautions, especially the UVB rays, which penetrate deeper into the skin than UVA rays. Shade, hats and sunscreen are all great for keeping those UVB rays in check.

Before delving into how to protect your skin, you should know that this is not the only part of your body that needs shielding. Your eyes are extremely important, and so easy to damage when it comes to the sun. That is why one of the first things you should do is protect them by buying proper sunglasses. Make sure the sunglasses have ultraviolet ray protection built in so they can shield your precious peepers.

Though you are trying to get a tan, there is such a thing as too much exposure. You should alternate sitting or working in the sun with sitting or working in the shade. By alternating both, you can help prevent burning or drying out of the skin, both of which can be very painful. It will also help you stay cooler on really hot days, which can help prevent a whole host of other health conditions related to the heat. Wearing a hat will also help give you some shade and protect areas prone to burning like the nose and scalp.

Sunscreen is a huge part of any sun tanning routine because it allows the skin to get tanned while decreasing your chances of getting burned. Look for a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15, though the higher you go, the more protection you get. Those who have very fair skin should look for SPF 45 or higher, which can still cause a tan but gives more coverage to protect the skin.

Always apply sun protection lotion at least 20 minutes before sun exposure, and be sure to put more on at least every 80 minutes after you first applied. This is especially true if you are swimming, as the moisture will wick the lotion off, exposing your skin. If you are going to be sweaty or play in the pool, you should use a moisture-proof suntan lotion and apply more every thirty minutes to ensure you don't get red.

Taking care of your skin after a tan is essential because skin that is exposed to UVA or UVB rays can become very dry. Dry skin it itchy and uncomfortable, so apply aloe liberally after sun exposure. If you don't have an aloe plant, anything with aloe in it like a gel or lotion will also do the trick.

Once you get these guidelines down, you can be well on your way to tanning in the sun. That golden brown tan will make you the envy of all your friends and neighbors. You can achieve it with a little prior planning and the right tools. That's all it takes to get you a healthy glow that only the sun can truly provide.

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