Resorting To NFL Total Offensive And Defensive Rankings

By Olivia Cross

What is the die-hard NFL football fan supposed to do during the agonizing months in between February and August. February brings with it the awesome Super Bowl, followed by the super crash the following week, when it finally sinks in that there isn't a game on Sunday. There won't be a game for lots of Sundays. Well, there are last year's statistics to pour over, among them the NFL total offensive and defensive rankings.

You can use this time productively to scrounge around for any football apps you never managed to download to your tablet and/or smart phone. Never mind the fact that they will be all out of date by the time next season rolls around. It keeps you occupied and lessens the withdrawal symptoms.

For most of February, it may still be possible to find people on the discussion forums. Yes, there are still stones left to be unturned on Inflatagate. Why doesn't the NFL supply the balls to everybody on both teams? Are they going broke? That opens up a whole new world on the discussion groups - conspiracy theories.

Come March, there may still be withdrawal symptoms. Followers of Formula One will be able to put the NFL on hold when the first race starts. Sunday afternoons have meaning again! This leaves those who aren't race fans to fend for themselves. Time to start digging the vegetable garden, maybe?

Easter usually occurs in April. This can provide a brief respite from the gloom of no Sunday or Monday Night football. The weather in most parts of the country is still not quite right for barbecues, but there is plenty to do in the back yard to get ready for summer socializing. Now would be a good time to get a head start on that spreadsheet you have been promising yourself so you can keep closer track of the players' stats next season. Fill in the data for last year so you can be prepared to compare the numbers with this in the forthcoming season.

May. The weather is getting nicer but, until Memorial Day, not quite right for the barbecue. But now you have a goal, get that back yard ready by the end of the month. Dust the cobwebs off the garden furniture and give it a good rinse. Mow the lawn. Work on your spreadsheet.

The scene starts to brighten up a bit in June, and not just the weather. You might find a few people lurking in the forums. If you post something, especially if you misspell it, you might be able to get involved in a lively discussion on grammar.

July and August are the summer holiday months. Time for barbecues and vacations. Before you know it, it's the end of August and the first game of the season is just around the corner. You've tested your new spreadsheet to Kingdom Come and back, all you need is some hard, real data to start plugging in. It is finally time to check the stores' websites to find the best deals on beer, wings and potato chips. It's the new season!

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