At-home fitness can help, but may be risky

Grand Forks, North Dakota - The point of Kevin Prasad turning point came three years ago when he lost his breath tying their shoes .

"I knew then something must change," he said .

This discovery led him to start MP3, a program of rigorous exercise , which ultimately helped him shed 50 pounds and build a commitment to a healthy lifestyle fitness program.

The results of the program were " incredible," taking into account " the overall strength , core (strength) , balance and agility. "

Although programs like MP3 fitness DVD and other packaged for use at home, " are very popular and offer many benefits ," which are not for everyone, Kendall Railing according to a strength and specialist packaging Sanford Center in Fargo, North Dakota

" There are problems ," he said.

These types of programs of physical conditioning attract buyers because they are " quick, simple, and you see a lot of results in a short time ," he said. " And the results to motivate people . " fitness program

Some people , especially those who are not accustomed to vigorous exercise , may not be ready for the physical intensity of these programs, she said.

In fall 2010 , Prasad going through a difficult time after the death of his father , said. Until then, he had worked on - some weight training and walking .

"When my father died , I am far from it. Probably taken too late , "he said. "It was a depression thing . "fitness program

He paid little attention to their fitness or diet. "I ate and drank what the hell I really wanted to do not care . "

Then the 35-year -old Grand Forks, North Dakota , man has " love ribs " of his family when they gather for meals. "They said , " Better than before Kevin made Atwood , "he said. " I did not think it was so great. "fitness program

Weighing 240 pounds at its best : "I knew this was not how I wanted to see , I knew I had to get into better shape , choose a healthier life style . " .

He realized that "walking is not going to cut ," he said . fitness program

Prasad A friend invited him to join a session of MP3 exercises.

"I have always been active in some way, " he said. "I thought I see if it can really work . "

They met in the basement of his friend in the morning to work every day for three months.

The MP3 program takes participants through a daily 60 to 90 minutes regime focused on developing core strength and balance exercises , he said . It also includes yoga postures and uses bands and free program

A higher level of the program, MP3 , it is different movements and postures he said.

The original idea of the coach and fitness expert Tony Horton, the MP3 workout session is a 90 day program , step by step. The seventh day of each week is devoted to rest and stretch , Prasad program

The reason for the exercise is changed frequently in order to promote " muscle confusion, " he said , to maximize the effects of calorie burning and muscle building .

"I simply plan . After a week or two, I could not move my arms " were so badly he said . "It's quite exhausting.

"It's hard . Pushes you to the extreme. Used muscles I had not used in a long, long time . "

He and his friend " each other motivated ," he said. "We 're both very competitive. "

They ended the program shortly before Christmas 2010.

Accordance with the requirements of the program, I am the bread , carbohydrates and alcohol , he said. "No sweets. Much protein is eaten. "fitness program

Success depends on a combination of exercise and compliance with guidelines on nutrition strict , he said . "I watch what I eat . "

He changed his diet to salads , chicken and tuna, he said, and walked away from the cream and butter.

"No mayonnaise on the bread , " he said.

The MP3 program promoting its own protein shakes , but preferred to buy similar foods in the shops.

Its size has been reduced from 38 to 32 program

"It's a lifestyle change , " Prasad , still practiced aspects of MP3, but has been largely replaced by exercising regularly at a local gym to maintain her weight at 175 pounds said.

The program to other people that I recommend , he said, but " it is better to consult a doctor before starting ," noting that someone with bad joints or heart problems should be careful.

Fitness programs like MP3 attract customers because people can put in their own homes and programs " are effective enough time ," said Brenda .

"A lot of exercise in a short period of time is obtained . You do not have to drive to and from a gym. "

And exercises " are more than I ever had on your own in a gym , " he said.

These programs often agree "if he does something different every day ," he said, movements directed core strength and build cardiovascular program

"Unfortunately, no actual medical requirements prerequisites " to begin , Brenda said. " I recommend ( to) the advice of a physician for any person who has two or more risk factors ," including concerns about heart disease , blood pressure and cholesterol , diabetes , smoking, physical inactivity and age. fitness weight loss exercise

"If a person wants to do and has not been active , I recommend that the (first) are active for a month or two on your own or with a personal trainer ," said Brenda .

Those who are not physically prepared for the intensity of the injury risk programs , he said , knees , shoulders , back and Achilles tendons .fitness program

For those who are ready for a system of this kind, "the benefits are losing weight and body fat , tone, strengthen , lose inches ," said Brenda .

Railing suggests that anyone considering starting MP3 or meet a professional like exercise to assess their preparation program.

" It may cost you initially but it may save you from injury (later) that keep you from exercising, " he program

A personal trainer or someone who has earned a degree in exercise science and certified by a reputable organization such as the National Strength and Conditioning Association, American College of Sports Medicine , or National Academy of Sports Medicine will to offer good advice, he said . fitness weight loss exercise

When it comes to exercise , people are warned against " relive the past " and form "that are" not trying to do what I used to be able to do in their " glory days when you could jump higher and run faster. " fitness program

Age is an important risk factor , said. " For men is 45 and for women is 50 or 55.

"For example, take a 55-year -old with a history of heart disease and high cholesterol.

"I would tell someone to live in the present and not exercise intensity level that was years ago .

" If the person who made withe same commitment (exercise) with a coach as they do with someone ( DVD) who does not know you , do I have good results," he said.

" The personal trainer can meet the specific needs of the individual. " fitness weight loss exercise

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